If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed a small change in some Amazon Stores links earlier this year. By store link, we’re referring to the brand name link on every product listing page just beneath the product title. Whereas in the past store links consisted of the mere brand name, some links now read “Visit the [Brand] store”.
Though minor, we predict that this change will have a noticeable impact on the success of stores. Some shoppers, for example, think that the traditional brand link leads to a disorganized list of the brand’s complete catalog, which is perceived as a step back from finding what they’re after. In contrast, the new link is more direct by telling customers what to expect when they click, i.e. the brand’s store. As such, your store will now be more visible to shoppers.
Why it Matters
Most customers that come into contact with your product offerings will do so through one of your listings. The humble storelink right below the product title is thus the doorway to your storefront which is the place where your brand really takes form. A well designed store offers a branded experience that conveys your story, values and unique selling proposition. In short, it is your opportunity to really connect your offerings with your customers’ needs. As such, as minor as the new link change may seem, it really helps open the door to your store just a little wider which can have huge implications for your store’s traffic.
With more traffic going down the funnel to your store, you can now further benefit from other store features, such as analytics to learn more about your target audience. This can in turn inform your marketing strategy. Additionally, other features such as shoppable images will have more reach, thus increasing the chances of conversions.
How Can You Benefit from the Change?
This latest tweak by Amazon is not within the control of sellers. As a matter of fact, the new link format is not visible for all brands, which hints that this may still be experimental. However, due to the success levels reported by some sellers, it will likely become the norm. This means two things once your store link is updated…one is that you can look forward to improved store visibility, and secondly, now is a good time to spruce up your store.
To learn more about creating and managing Amazon Storefronts, check out our course ‘Amazon Stores’. https://www.amazowl.com/training/
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