Amazon’s Brand Registry
Amazon project zero is a self service counterfeit removal tool for brands that sell on Amazon’s marketplace, the self service counterfeit removal tools to be used only to remove listings for sale of counterfeit goods. It is not to be used to remove office for goods that you believe infringe other intellectual property violate other Amazon selling policies, but are not counterfeit.
show moreOr that you otherwise believe should be removed, but are not counterfeits. In addition, the self-service counterfeit removal tool is not designed to enforce counterfeit claims against trade dress or product configuration. If you have a registered mark protecting the shape or design of a product itself, and believe that a product infringes at mark, you should report those items through the report a violation tool.
When you remove a listing using the self-service counterfeit removal tool, a notice will be sent to the seller and forming them that a complaint has been filed against their listing. Although your removals will happen automatically when you use the self-service counterfeit removal tool, Amazon will order your removals to ensure that you are removing only counterfeit items.
If you fail to maintain a high accuracy in removing counterfeit listing. You will use access to the self-service counterfeit removal tool. Counterfeiting is a specific type of trademark infringement. A counterfeit is an unlawful total or partial reproduction of a registered trademark or a mark that is very similar to a registered trademark in connection with the sale of a product counterfeiting requires the use of a registered trademark on the product packaging or the product detail page to imply that the product is genuine.
A similar looking item sold on a separate product detail page without the improper use of a registered trademark is not account of it. Even though the items might look similar or identical to the trademark product, only rights owners are allowed to access features of project zero.
In order to use the self-service tool to remove account of it. Log in on your brand registry account and click on the protect or project zero link. Choose the marketplace on the left and then enter the product brand order number or up to 100 commerce separated ASINs or product URLs. Or you can search the ASINs by image.
Once you found the ASINs, choose the offer. You are reporting and click next on the right. If you have multiple registered trademarks, it is important that you select the correct trademark registration number for the item you are removing. Amazon does not enforce against trademarks, registered with the supplemental registrar through any submission channel.
We encourage you to conduct a test by and share the associated order ID whenever possible. ASIN versus offer removal. Now with the self-service counterfeit removal tool, you will have the ability to remove entire ASINs or specific offers on an ASIN. It is imperative that you only remove an entire ASIN. If the ASIN itself is for account of it product. If some offers are for the sale of legitimate good.
And some for the sale of counterfeits, you must remove only those specific offers from sellers that you know, to be selling counterfeit goods. If you remove an entire ASIN, when there are offers for both authentic and inauthentic products listed against that ASIN, your removal will be considered misuse of the tool.
Even if the action does result in some office for counterfeit items, correctly being removed, you can track the status of the listings you have removed through the self-service counterfeit removal tool in your submission history, You are encouraged to regularly review your submission history to ensure that you have been removing items, accurately reinstated listings.
If you removed an offense, see that the offer has been reinstated. Do not use the self-service counterfeit removal tool to remove that listing again, even if you believe that the listing was reinstated in error, if you believe that a counterfeit has been reinstated erroneously, use the escalate previously submitted issue, contact type within support.
Retractions if you remove a listing and error, you should immediately file a notice of retraction. Using the retract, a complaint link in submission history,
other forms of intellectual property infringement. Again, the self-service counterfeit removal tool is to be used only to remove listings for the sale of counterfeit goods. If you believe that a listing infringes your intellectual property rights, but is not account of it. You should continue to use the report a violation tool.
Provided once you enroll in a brand registry to report such listings, notice it’s submitted for other forms of infringement will not lead to an automatic removal of the reported listing, but will go through Amazon’s standard investigation process. Using the self service counterfeit removal tool to remove non-countable items will be considered abuse of the feature. Even if the removed listings otherwise infringe your intellectual property or violate Amazon’s policies.