Seller Central: Promotions, Coupons and Deals
In order to create a prime exclusive discount, select prime exclusive discounts from the dropdown menu of the advertising tab on the top menu of Seller central. On the next page, click the button that reads Create discount on the following page. Enter the title of your prime exclusive discount. And select the dates, which you would like your offer to run from the appropriate cells available, and then click the save and add products button.
show moreClick the view upload template link on the next page, and download the template to your computer. When opening the file template, be sure to read through the instructions on the instructions tab for US or UK as your account calls for it, and the marketplace on which you will be advertising your prime exclusive discount, as well as the definitions on the day-to definitions tab.
On the Prime price Loader template, insert all the SKUs you wish to run the discounts on in column A, in column B, select the type of discount you wish to offer. That is the amount off or the percentage off.
Enter your prime discount value in column C. And then enter the minimum price discount you will allow for this offer in column D. In column E, select the letter A from the dropdown menu provided as you are adding a SKU to this offer. Once you have completed filling out all the relevant information, save your file.
Return to the page from where you downloaded the template, and click the choose file button. Locate your file and upload it. Click the validate products button.
If all is in order, your product will show up on the review page. You can now choose to confirm and submit your offer by clicking the submit discount button. If your upload failed, it is probably due to your product not being eligible for the prime exclusive discount, and you will need to remove the product by clicking the remove product button on the review page of your prime exclusive discount offer.
Or select the D letter from the dropdown menu in column E on your upload template, and then click the edit discount details button on your review page and re-upload the amended upload template with the SKUs now deleted.