Seller Central: Promotions, Coupons and Deals
In some instances, your prime exclusive discount can be suppressed due to your products not being eligible or the discount no longer being suitable. In this case, the discount status on the Prime exclusive discounts page, located by selecting prime exclusive discounts from the dropdown menu of the advertising tab in the top menu of Server Central.
show moreWill say, needs attention for one or a combination of the following reasons. You created a discount but never uploaded any SKUs to be scheduled. You uploaded and submitted one or several SKUs. However, the review page still contains one or more SKUs you can navigate to the review page by clicking the view details button to the right of your discount offer.
And then either clicking the edit button to the right of the SKU line or the review page link at the bottom of the page, or you have submitted all SKUs, but one or more of the submitted SKUs are suppressed due to some errors, such as the eligibility criteria has not been adhered too. If your product status says invalid for your prime exclusive.
This can be one or a combination of the following reasons. The product rating is lower than the minimum threshold. The product is not prime shipping eligible for all regions within the country. The product pricing is managed by automated pricing. The product is part of the product categories where prime exclusive discount is not allowed and all.
The product is part of a separate, overlapping deal or prime exclusive discount. In all these cases, you would need to remove, edit, or update your product offering for the discount. If you cannot make your product re eligible for the prime discount, you would need to remove it in order for the rest of the products on your offer to run its schedules.