Seller Central: Promotions, Coupons and Deals
All promotions on Seller Central require a product selection in order to be created. That is, you cannot simply add ASINs or SKUs from your catalog as with coupons and prime exclusive discounts. The product selection can be any of the following types. SKU list, ASIN list, browse node ID list, brand name list or advanced product selection.
show moreA SKU list is a list of stock keeping units for your products, and this product selection type accepts up to 4,000 SKUs, one per line. An AS list is a list of Amazon’s standard identification numbers for your products, and this product selection type accepts up to 4000 ASINs and you need to separate the ASINs by new lines, spaces, commas, or semicolons.
A browse node ID list is a list of Amazon browse node IDs under which you list your products in the Amazon catalog. Your promotion applies only to your items in the browse node. This product selection type accepts up to 250 browse node IDs, and you need to separate the IDs by new lines, spaces, commas, or semicolons.
A brand name list is a list that specifies Amazon brand name. And this product selection type accepts up to 4,000 Brand names one per line. Brand names are case sensitive and must exactly match the names as they appear in the Amazon catalog. An advanced product selection is a list comprised of one or more IDs, codes or names. This product selection type allows you to create more expressive product selections.
There are a few other product selection types that you may be exposed to on your seller central account as per the below. The supplier department code list is a list of supplier department codes for your products, and this product selection type accepts up to 4,000 supplier department codes one per line.
The supplier department codes are case sensitive and must exactly match the codes as they PN Amazon catalog. The product group list is a list of Amazon product groups where you can use a selection tool to add and remove product groups. The product type name list is a list that specifies Amazon product groups, and this product selection type accepts up to 4,000 product type names.
You would need to separate the names by new lines, spaces, commas, or semicolons. The vendor ID list is a list that specifies Amazon vendor IDs and accepts up to 4,000 vendor IDs. You would, again, need to separate IDs by new lines, spaces, commas, or semicolons.